Post by Jägerbomber on Jun 17, 2015 0:04:07 GMT
Hmm... I guess it starts an hour later than the chart says.
Post by Jägerbomber on Jun 17, 2015 1:18:37 GMT
Dang, did you see the Vietnam game by the Killing Floor devs? American Truck Simulator looks pretty good. The music was pretty surfer dude though... But they are working on California. Steam page and website are up, but no release date. Dean Hall was talking about his new game. He wants to make sure that they have a good core built before they release it to early access. lol His favorite bug in it is that when you clicked on a player, all his organs fell out... and he couldn't do anything. This info is strange... because it's a space game... and based on the info he gave us, they're simulating everything, including that stuff on a persistent server. That doesn't really tell us enough, but it's weird to think about how the organ thing will fit into this space game. Planet Coaster? 0 o Well the graphics already looks slightly better than Rollercoaster Tycoon World. Though... that's not saying much. I hope this is good. LOL! The new Tanoa map for ARMA III looks like Panau! Holy shit! No Man's Sky/Sean Murray is on the PC Gamer event right now. No release date quite yet, but PS4 and PC at the same time!!!
Post by Jägerbomber on Jun 17, 2015 5:07:12 GMT
Post by Jägerbomber on Jun 17, 2015 22:26:04 GMT
Gamespot Editor on BG&E2 at E3: Mad Max gameplay on the Playstation Youtube stream right now. Wouldn't it have been awesome if Mad Max had Watch Dogs style multiplayer?... The controls for For Honor actually look pretty good and dynamic. So... For some reason Harmonix is just doing a VR music visualizer instead of an actual game for it?... blog.us.playstation.com/2015/06/17/harmonix-music-vr-coming-to-project-morpheus/
E3 2015
Jun 18, 2015 17:38:44 GMT
via mobile
Post by spaceboy on Jun 18, 2015 17:38:44 GMT
Jc3 video looks awesome. Can't wait! I'm a little bummed that mirrors edge doesn't allow use of guns anymore...not that I wanted to, in fact I got the trophy for not killing in the first game, but I liked the option and I felt good that I resisted the "easy" way out of some situations. But I'm still stoked for it.
I wonder if any of these release dates will get pushed back, you have to assume so..
Post by Jägerbomber on Jun 19, 2015 2:32:19 GMT
www.engadget.com/2015/06/18/media-molecule-dreams-is-for-youtubers-and-twitch-streamers/It took a while for them to get the "game" details in the article, but here's some excerpts: I'm hoping that the "dreamy-ness" look of it isn't forced on you, but I think it's just being used for the main "story" and the demonstration for the dream theme of it. I'm excited for it. lol Awe.... No Man's Sky was supposed to be on the PS live stream today, but they got stuck in traffic. But they did show up for two videos for CNN. And a great interview from Gamespot with Sean. All with new footage. edition.cnn.com/videos/tech/2015/06/16/game-faces-no-mans-sky.cnnedition.cnn.com/videos/tech/2015/06/17/game-faces-no-mans-sky-ns-natpkg.cnnwww.gamespot.com/videos/no-man-s-sky-e3-2015-stage-demo/2300-6425633/www.gamespot.com/videos/we-played-no-man-s-sky/2300-6425669/And Nvidia has some pretty awesome screenshots. international.download.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/images/no-man-sky/BlueSpace.pnginternational.download.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/images/no-man-sky/NightDrone.pnginternational.download.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/images/no-man-sky/OvalWalker.pnginternational.download.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/images/no-man-sky/RedSpace.pnginternational.download.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/images/no-man-sky/ResourceLab.pnginternational.download.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/images/no-man-sky/SunsetBots.pngGamespot's Giant Bomb stream just had their second to last group of interviewees on for the end of E3 stream, of course talking about what they're excited about from E3. At least one of them I believe was one of the devs or creators of Oddworld. While the guy next to him thinks, even though VR is getting really good now, it'll fall away similar to 3D (partially because of the cumbersomeness of it and because of the lack of appearances on a normal screen, even though it's VR, the later of which I especially agree with), the Oddworld guy still thought it was fine that they aren't showing it on normal screens much (which I disagree with), but he had a lot of interesting conversation about what will be the best way to start off working on VR (which he's already started dabbling with) and what not to do. He wants the devs to start from scratch. Do not take what you already do and plant it in VR. Even if you think it's awesome, if you do it that way, you will make people sick in ways you weren't paying attention to. Reasons you had no idea were there because of that. And he goes really into all of that and his experience back with 80s VR when he was doing true simulator stuff while the noobie game industry was doing low powered stuff. And it was just really interesting to hear him talk. It'll probably still be able to be found later on Gamespot's live E3 page all the way at the bottom in Giant Bomb - Day 3. Those 3 guys were great interviewees. A lot of hilarious moments. The last drunken section after that (with at least 1 guy from Sony (the blond guy who is does a ton of these things) was fucking amazing. The guy in the middle got upset and pouty because the other 2 were being mean to him. The guy in the middle and guy on the right kept having slapping and punching fights behind the couch. The guy in the middle tweets the right guy's phone number and gets a random person to call him. Then he gets all pouty while the middle guy keeps trying to beg forgiveness while he keeps calling out the phone ringing on the floor behind the couch. The blond guy is redfaced laughing his ass off also listening to the phone ringing and the forgiveness begging. I think there were like 220 retweets in 30 mins. and counting Phone ran out of battery and he's now lost the number he's had for 16 years. Oh man....
Post by Jägerbomber on Jun 19, 2015 20:01:58 GMT
Skype stream from what remains of Joystiq on Engadget with Hello Games (or pretty much just Sean) about No Man's Sky www.engadget.com/2015/06/19/jxe-streams-no-mans-sky/- I looked closer at the live E3 footage again as he was talking about this - Currently there is no radar when walking on a planet, just a compass that shows POIs that you are facing. It does not currently mark your vehicle location. He says that you can currently ping it and just said that it's kind of like your car remote. Whether or not that just flashes the lights on it, I don't know. This conversation was partially about how players at E3 would lose their ships when they wandered and eventually realize that they have to remember where they parked. Of course it's still in development, but he didn't give any real concrete hint on whether or not they will actually add in a better marker for your vehicle, or if they'll just leave it the way it is and you have to not be stupid about it. -Creatures will go and drink at the water, or go to higher ground to eat perhaps. Their aggressiveness is variable. They might feel more protected while in a group, which could make them more aggressive or defensive, or they might feel more skittish when alone and run away. Firing your gun can also potentially scare them, startle them, and cause them to run away. -Beacons are when the details of what you've discovered (or named) get uploaded to the server for other players to see... if they ever cross a spot you've been of course. Though... I'd kind of assume that it'll always be uploading your position, when connected, so that you could potentially seamlessly meet another player without being right next to the beacon. However, you can completely play offline if you need to... or want to. The whole world is made by a formula, so it's like Minecraft and doesn't really require a huge amount of "disc" space... or really much at all potentially. Hell, Minecraft is a bit over a half a MB... which is crazy. Quotes from a Verge article: Not... quite exactly sure what it's referring to here... 1 mineral type? Description of the first creature they saw and shot... cdn3.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/EQkBYdIIpWXZ9K2eOoFFkhh5e2o=/400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3805676/artist_renditio.0.jpg
Post by Jägerbomber on Jun 20, 2015 0:38:10 GMT
Post by Jägerbomber on Jun 20, 2015 5:23:28 GMT
Apparently IMAX tried to get an interview article about SteamVR removed with a quote that said "It’s like saying, 'I have an IMAX theater in my house.'"