As season 2 has just ended, Powers has been cancelled...
Not much of a surprise really... Though it did have its entertaining moments. Eddy Izzard's Wolfe character was really cool in Season 1. I actually ended up liking Johnny Royalle by the end of the first season, but... Diamond/Christian,
the main character... was pretty much always an asshole... A little less so in the 2nd season.
The 2nd season was a weird mess of... big things happening at the beginning of the season/end of the first season and teases of possible bigger things to come... then a sudden shift to - Oh hi,
Joss Whedon Wil Wheaton
, in episodes 5 & 6 (out of 10) which diverged hugely away from a direction towards something bigger that you might have thought was coming. These
Joss Whedon Wil Wheaton episodes were painfully cliche.... and cringy, just when you thought maybe he was here to improve the series or something? Episode 7 was slow as hell, and I put it off as cleaning up after the even that just happened or starting a new build up to the big thing. Was that the episode with cat lady? or what that 8? Weird that (I guess again) had a huge "comic book" pandering moment or moments... that meant absolutely nothing, especially now that's it's done. Anyways, after that, we once again get leads towards the big thing that's going to happen, whatever it is... (And wait a minute.... What the hell happened to Heavy? The gravity manipulator? Or nothing yet?....) Because I think instead... (still) before getting into bigger events with Heavy... they had also brought in yet another supposedly major badguy (who I actually sometimes had confused for Heavy). But this other new guy also seemed like he was going to be a major threat... because he had some really threatening moments towards one person... (2 people actually) that nobody else had been witnessing.
Anyways, there were so many story arcs overlapping over each other (and then
Joss Whedon Wil Wheaton because.. ok....), it was rather weird to keep track of, because it would suddenly switch to a different path...
Well, around episode 8, something big did start, though not what you'd thought it would be, and... it was a twist that was very slightly or vaguely teased at I guess, and people were trying to deny it and they didn't really give you enough concrete evidence to believe it so you weren't even really close to believing it. It felt more like a disappointing out of character twist than anything. But I guess you could say it was sloppily done. Not the first sloppy thing it's done and believe it or not, by season 8 or 9/10, not its last... And that's coming after constantly using Calista as an idiotic plot device. (Who, happily was just a tad less so in the 2nd half of the season, but they would spread out the idiocy to other characters... making them suddenly seem idiotic.) So the big event to close out this awkward season happens (it's actually a kind of painfully sad one to be honest... at least partially, and I'm not actually saying that critically). That happens, and then the character twist(s) on one of the few characters that I've liked through both seasons happens, pretty much completely contradictory to her actions before.... Like WHAT?..... And what she does cuts off anything big you thought was going to happen with the guy that was tormenting her.... (And I'm completely blank right now if Heavy (not this guy) was being held off to the next season for some reason...)
So the final episode was just clusterfuck of an event that we didn't think was the even that they were building do (started by a seemingly sudden character shift (if you weren't attached to every little rare vague detail), IMMEDIATELY followed by a followup to another contradictory character shift right at the end THAT ALSO cut off one of the guys that you thought was
actually going to be a big deal.... at some point. (And then.... Heavy, supposedly the biggest of them all, is in there somewhere... Perhaps the next season.)
Too much flip flopping between unexpected story arcs and characters pretty much contradicting themselves.... And
Joss Whedon Wil Wheaton. shrug....
And... since they were leading into season 3, we didn't really get any closure for the event at the end of this one... which probably would have happened in the next episode, like it did with this one. And what happened was confusing and caused possible questions or twists for next season as well...
But I got to also put in a mention for Adam Godley. be the one character admirable through this entire series.... (besides the twist of another likeable character at the end and another who died earlier in the 2nd season). He's the guy who gets
all the shit and has to keep control of all the shit at all times..... It might just be 1 "character", but his acting is fantastic....
Oh yeah, and I almost forgot.... Diamond... the main character asshole. It was good to see him finally get punched in the face somewhere in this season....
A bit later than he should have... but he deserved it.
(though maybe not as much in that moment, but still... we finally got to see it happen)
And... well... It also still kinda shocks me how damned tragic the story of one of the characters in the final event was.....
No happy there.....